

Add a one-sentence description of this project.



Image title Image title Image title



Add a description of your motivation for starting this project. Include both where the idea came from, and the motivation for using the tech stack or other implementation features that you’ve used; what has this project taught you?


Write a narrative of the people you envision using this app. what need is it solving in their life?

User Stories

User Flow

(persona 1)

  1. starts here
  2. clicks/moves to here,
  3. completes their goal. 4.

(persona 2)

  1. starts here
  2. clicks/moves to here,
  3. completes their goal. 4.

Resources & Thanks

If any resources or assistance used, make sure to reference and thank them!

This project was created as a part of a Blue1647 Course on app Development. ReadMe Template created & provided by Kara Carrell