Hey there!

I'm Kara Carrell

Queer blaxican communitechie
committed to caring for & growing
codebases and community spaces
that challenge the “Way Things Are”.

#HireMeYall #GitItGirl @Devbootcamp Alum | She/Her

I am...


an Idea Fox

I'm an avid idea generator who will brainstorm, build, or beta test anything you put in front of me. Check out my current slate of projects in the wing!


a Communitechie

My past 10 years of professional work, and my life-long commitment to the communities to which I belong, has given me a focus for where I choose to dedicate my time & talents.


a Developer

I'm a full-stack developer, focused on ruby and javascript frameworks, dedicated to Test Driven and Behavior Driven Development.

My Story

For most of my life, I've found myself in the "techie" seat of the table, whether that be my family table, my social table, my community table or my work table. I believe that not only do I owe it to myself to further my knowledge and be equipped to engage with what makes the web work, but I owe it to the people at those tables that call me to sit, teach, be present, innovate, and amplify our voices.

I am very aware of what it means to be a Queer Black Latinx woman in the tech space. My presence challenges those who don't share my lived experiences and identities to consider their place in the world. It creates an opportunity for others to learn how to relate, work with, and appreciate the inclusion that the industry is slowly moving towards. Last, it allows those who do identify with the many identities I represent to see someone in this field of work, working hard to make space for more of us.

I'm a proud Denver native, and Chicago transplant. I'm the human of a very adorable doggie named sadie. I'm an organizer for local groups like Latinx Techies & ThePeople's Tech, and national groups like Write/Speak/Code & Lesbians Who Tech. I'm an artist, crafter, and an avid attendee of hackathons.